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New Year New Financial You

financial fitness

Welcome to 2024! 

It’s a new year (although Christmas already seems a while ago) and you get to decide if it will also be a new financial you! 

That’s right. YOU are in control! Good news, right. In other good news, you’ll be excited to know that getting financially fit is actually really simple! 

Note we said simple, not easy. If it were easy everyone would be financially fit (as doing so is a no-brainer). So why isn’t it easy we hear you say… well, most of us find excuses. We’re too busy, we’re unsure where to start, what to read, who to speak to, we’re not good at maths, it’s boring… the list can go on. 

Believe it or not, we get it. Adulting is a tough gig! But what choice do you have? Being financially un-fit, making poor financial decisions and so forth, make’s life much harder. 
Our conclusion is that becoming financially fit is the only answer!

Introducing the new financial you!


  • You know how much money arrives in your bank account and how much money has to go out for essentials
  • You know how much money is left over each pay cycle so you can choose to spend your money on anything you want (that’s right, go splurge!)
  • You’ve written down in your Money Plan the goals, experiences and objectives that matter the most to you, the financial cost to fund them and when they need to happen
  • Your money is automated so you never need to lift a finger or open a banking app on a regular basis
  • It’s true, your debt is under control and you re-negotiate with your lender on a regular basis to ensure you pay less interest than others (becoming debt free sooner)
  • And you have comfort knowing your Rainy Day fund is ready to put out the next financial fire that arises 
  • And underpinning everything is your protection plan which acts as a safety net, ready to catch you and protect your loved ones if any unforeseen trauma, illness, or accident tries to blow over your financial house

But wait, there’s more…

  • You’ve finally sorted your super into a smart low cost fund, and you contribute just a little extra via salary sacrifice, building your super that little bit quicker and saving tax whilst you’re at it
  • You know you’ll have enough money (wealth) to stop work in X years as you planned out what you likely need to spend money on later in life and for how long
  • You’ve decided that next time you get a pay-rise some of it will go towards investing... possibly investing some money into an investment portfolio you set up for your children, or perhaps investing more into your travel fund to coincide with Long Service Leave (you’ll have time and money to go adventuring)
  • Your financial future is safely on track and secure no matter what may arise

Here’s the simple bit we mentioned…

EVERYTHING you need to create the new financial you is waiting within the Naked Wealth Financial Gym. We are your trainers and offer 3 ways to get financially fit (and stay fit).

So there you have it – becoming financially fit and doing good with money will absolutely help you live a better life. It’s also simple to follow our lead, taking one small step at a time.

It’s now up to you to put your adulting hat on and make this easy… prioritise a new financial you in 2024! You can start your new financial journey right now with lifetime membership to our financial gym only $39!

And who knows… you might actually have fun!

Dan and Dave 

We have financial training options to suit every need and budget, starting from just $39!