Simplicity Over Complexity
If you’ve followed us for long enough, you’ll have heard us talk about the importance for members to take small steps that over time lead to massive gains, focusing on what you can control and what matters, using minimal effort to get maximum results, and of course ensure you plan ahead. These are key ingredients you need to take action and progress your journey towards financial success.
Now this all seems quite easy right (you’re nodding your head), but when it comes to money matters, we seem to hit a snag due to our desire as humans to feel that we need some special solution to appear in front of us, that magic bullet that will solve all our financial world problems. Now of course such a solution couldn’t be so simple that everyone could do it, as we all would have done it already right? Therefore, it must be a complex formula or special investment strategy needed, that if we’re lucky some generous intelligent person will share it with us… right?
Wrong! Complexity isn’t the answer and silver bullet solutions don’t exist other than to benefit the person selling you the silver bullet! We have been advising clients for decades and we’re confident we’ve learned enough to say this – your entire financial life should be structured around simplicity, as done correctly, it really is the ultimate sophistication!
Think about the quote above from Da Vinci’, which we would guess is very likely more relevant in today’s world than it was many hundreds of years ago. Never have we lived in a period in history where we want and need more, and spend so much of our time chasing the winning formula.
We’ve said it before and here we are saying it again – the financial world was built on offering complexity, aka smoke and mirrors, as it was (and likely still is) the best way for the industry to get you as consumers to do business. We know how it works because many years ago we were both on that side of the fence (not for long thankfully!) where we saw what goes on. Complexity is introduced by way of confusing strategies with financial jargon, and or numerous different financial products are tied together so you can’t escape, and so on… people think or hope they are getting something special that will provide them with the advantage they need to become financial winners and have an advantage over others.
Complexity works because unassuming hard-working people don’t know what they don’t know. Well, if you’re reading this then now you know our opinion on the matter! But don’t take our word for it…
If you believe that complexity and special investments are the way to go and that get rich quick schemes work, then we can’t stand in your way and we wish you all the luck in the world. But if you believe ultimate sophistication can be found in simplicity and that you can get rich slowly but surely, then you’re in the right place.
As you hopefully know, we are independent financial advisers who take our independence and our job in educating members very seriously! Everything we say and do connects back to using simplicity to help you achieve financial sophistication with as minimal effort as possible.
We have built the online Wages to Wealth program to help as many Australians as we possibly can. It’s got all our best learnings and strategies collected from decades of experience. By completing the modules in the program and taking the steps we ask of you, you will build an awesome financial house and you will develop habits consistent with other financial winners, those that go on to become millionaires. Now just to clarify, it isn’t our sole mission to help you necessarily become millionaires, it’s to help you become financially free and secure so as you and your family can live your best life.
Life is about a lot more than money! But the simple fact is that money doesn’t buy stuff, it buys choices. And having more choices in life makes life a whole lot easier to enjoy.
Follow the program, act on our steps, use our recommendations where needed, keep up with the homework and invest a few minutes a week reading Money in Minutes. This small investment of your time will help you achieve what we believe to be the ultimate financial sophistication… simplicity!
Dan and Dave