Everything you need to know about money and nothing you don't.


Only $39 for lifetime access.



It’s simple, doing good with money helps you live a better life!

Dan and Dave have used their decades of experience and education to build a financial gym with everything ALL Australians need to become financially fit and build a solid and secure financial house. And in case you’re wondering, you don’t need to be good at maths nor is there anything even remotely resembling an excel spreadsheet!

The centrepiece of the financial gym is the 10 Step Naked Wealth Blueprint. The focus of the Blueprint is getting your finances on track and then staying on track.

So, for the cost of an expensive smashed Avo on toast, working out in our financial gym may well change your life! And by virtue of being a member, you get access to ON DEMAND coaching with Dan and Dave should you ever need an expert opinion or helping hand. Dan and Dave are highly sought after independent financial advisers and are now happy to only serve their financial gym members.  

Our 10X money back guarantee will hopefully instil confidence in you that the financial gym is a great investment in your financial future.

And we want you to know that if you’re like most Australians struggling with everyday financial costs, you’ll be happy to learn that a big focus at Naked Wealth is to help members slash costs, lower fees and taxes, enabling members to save more money and achieve their objectives faster.


Under the DIY offer, you will have lifetime access to the financial gym.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • The core of Naked Wealth’s financial gym is an online program (used to complete the 10 step Blueprint) which is accessible via computer, tablet/mobile or app
  • In order to complete the 10 Step Naked Wealth Blueprint, members work through the Wages to Wealth program, consisting of 10 modules
  • You will receive the Money Plan to build your very own financial game plan for your money (you will build your Money Plan as you work through the program)
  • Where appropriate, financial advice recommendations will be offered (along with financial products), as well as financial advice strategies, tactics and case studies to ensure you can take action
  • Clear and simple instructions are provided throughout, ensuring your progression (improving your financial fitness and building your new financial house)
  • All members receive a weekly quick read email “Money in Minutes” written by Dan and Dave that is creative, engaging and educational (often with a call to take action). The 3 minute read (investment) by members keep them money smart and proactive
  • Once you’ve completed the program and 10 step Naked Wealth Blueprint, you can use “Monthly Money” to ensure you stay financially fit and keep your financial house tailored to your ever-changing needs. It is designed to be a quick 20 minute review of a particular money area where you may need to make some changes (or not)
  • You have access to ON DEMAND financial advice, coaching and education consulting with Dan and Dave. More details are below:

ON DEMAND: Financial advice, coaching and education consulting

Pay as you go access to two of Australia’s best independent financial advice and coaching experts:

Quick consult
(15 minutes) – $55


Receive a phone call from Dan or Dave – tell them what’s on your mind and then discuss your options





Financial Health Check
(30 minutes) - $99

One on one video consult with Dan or Dave to discuss where you’re at, what’s the next step and how to execute the plan



Deep Dive
(60 minutes) - $198


One hour video consult with Dan or Dave where you can cover A LOT of financial ground, leaving the session confident and ready to tackle your next action item/s



This is all about you getting outcomes! Our laser focus is to have every DIY member complete the 10 step Naked Wealth Blueprint and achieve a high level of financial fitness.

Below are the 10 outcomes you can expect to achieve by training with us, taking one small step at a time…

  1. Establish your financial position
  2. Draft your financial freedom number (what, when, and how)
  3. Design a spending plan to balance life, fun and future wealth building
  4. Create a game plan for your money based on your situation and objectives
  5. Set up your Rainy Day fund for those unexpected surprises
  6. Invest like the best (for your kids too!)
  7. Borrow wisely & pay off your debts quicker
  8. Supercharge your super
  9. Increase your savings rate to accelerate results
  10. Protect your family, your income and your home

We can assure you that by completing the Blueprint you will walk away with much more clarity and understanding about your own financial situation, including a game plan for your money to continue progressing the life you want. You’ll have built a strong financial house, be building more wealth, all whilst having reduced your costs so you can save more.

Your investment: $39 

Everything you need to know about money and nothing you don't.

We've stripped out all the financial BS, so you can become a lean, mean money machine!




How long is it likely to take me to complete the program?
It will depend on your situation as ever member is unique with different needs. But, from experience, most of the 10 Blueprint outcomes are easily actionable in a short period of time (hours, days, a few weeks). Life insurance however, can be one area of your financial house that can take time depending on your situation and the cover you wish to obtain. The time needed to properly address your protection needs could be a matter of days through to months (noting most of this time is simply waiting for and liaising with third parties)

Do I need to be good with tech or numbers?
Not at all! The Money Plan you will build is a smart PDF which simply needs you to add your numbers and data, and there is no need for maths.

Are Dan and Dave available to answer my questions via email?
Unfortunately not. At a lifetime membership cost of $39, it is not sustainable for Dan and Dave to answer everyone’s emails. Instead, every member has the option to pay for one off consults with Dan or Dave with different sessions to address varying member needs. 

Do you collect, use, or retain my personal information?
No we don’t. All we need from you is a name (can be first name only) and an email address so we can share learnings and guidance with you. All your personal and financial details can be added to your Money Plan (that we offer) and that is a private document for your eyes only. The only time we would ever view your information would be on a coaching call or consult if you were to share your screen with us.

Do you offer a money back guarantee?
Yes we do. As mentioned elsewhere on the website, we created our 10X Money Back Guarantee. We are very confident that members will get lots of value from training in our gym, and if that isn’t the case we genuinely want to know why (so we can keep improving the gym).

What makes Naked Wealth’s 10 step Blueprint different from other financial courses?
Firstly, it’s a program focused on 10 essential outcomes, designed and managed by two of Australia’s top independent financial advisers. Dan and Dave give you only the essential ingredients you need to achieve financial success in an easy step by step process. As part of their winning formula, they offer recommendations (most coaches cannot offer such), smart time tested strategies and advice. There is no data collected, no complex spreadsheets (instead you build your Money Plan), and you only pay for what you need. We could go on, but we hope you get the idea…

Is there ongoing support and guidance after I complete the 10 Step Blueprint?
Yes, you’ll have lifetime membership to the Naked Wealth financial gym. This will include access to up to date guidance and instructions from Dan and Dave to ensure you stay financially fit and adjust your Money Plan if and when needed. As a member, you are also able to pay for one-on-one consults and coaching with Dan and Dave whenever the need arises.



Any advice provided by Naked Wealth is general and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider whether the advice is suitable for you and your personal circumstances. Before you make any decision about whether to acquire a certain product, you should obtain and read the relevant product disclosure statement.